Project Management

GRANDIOCITY  is a project & cost management consultancy, providing a high quality, value for money, and fully tailored service to Clients. We act on behalf of our Clients to lead teams of consultants, stakeholders, contractors and suppliers to intelligently implement the project brief whilst overcoming risks and constraints present in every construction project. Our knowledgeable and experienced team offers fully tailored solutions that lead our Clients’ projects from initial concept right though to operational handover, with continued support.

We Execute all kinds of commercial and residential projects. With a guarantee of quality.

Providing guidance during Design Consultant Selection we manage the processes covering all Design Development aspects including Project Planning, Concept Design and Detailed Design, right through to the formulation of concise Construction and As-Built Documentation.

Project budgets will always be a major driving force in successful customer insight. We work with all relevant parties to refine collective solutions to budget risks and cost constraints within the project.We manage all processes to work within budget, with attention to avoid endangering quality, functionality and result.

We can give our client Some of the advantages of cost management include:

-The ability to predict a project’s future expenses and costs

-The maintenance of a central record of all predicted expenses

-The ability to ensure that costs are approved before purchases are made

-The ability to control a project’s expenses

We review validity, assist in negotiating and formally administer contract changes on behalf of clients to ensure all changes are fair, reasonable and properly documented.

We provide construction cost estimates at all design stages from first concept right through to final detailed design to help inform Clients on the project financial viability and budgeting, market rates and cost impacts of design and specification options.

We complete comprehensive bid comparisons between suppliers and contractors and recommend to the Client the best value for money option, within budget, programme and specification for the Client to proceed with.

Project planning is a procedural step in project management, where required documentation is created to ensure successful project completion. Documentation includes all actions required to define, prepare, integrate and coordinate additional plans. The project plan clearly defines how the project is executed, monitored, controlled and closed.

These plans guide Teams through the implementation and closure phases of the project, managing time, cost, quality, changes, risk, and related issues.  A competent project plan aids control in ensuring the project is delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.

we keeping all involved parties informed as to where the project is going and how we are going to get there.  We define project deliverables and requirements, documenting master delivery programmers to create the project schedule.

It's a Pleasure to offer you our services and work with you on your project